The Sweet Scoop: Understanding Creamed Honey

Creamed Honey Creamed Honey Creamed Honey Creamed Honey Creamed Honey Creamed Honey
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Creamed Honey

Have you ever been strolling down the honey aisle of your grocery store and noticed something called 'creamed honey'? It's a term that tends to pique the interest of honey lovers and curious consumers alike. So, what exactly is creamed honey, and how does it differ from the regular liquid honey we're all familiar with? Let's delve into the world of creamed honey. 

Creamed honey, also known as whipped honey, honey spread, or spun honey, is honey that's been processed in a way that controls the crystallization process, resulting in a creamy, spreadable texture. While liquid honey is known for its smooth and runny consistency, creamed honey boasts a richness akin to butter or peanut butter, making it a delightful spread for bread, toast, and pastries.

Now, you may be wondering - does this mean that creamed honey isn't pure? On the contrary, creamed honey is 100% pure honey. It's the method of processing, not the ingredients, that differentiates creamed honey from its liquid counterpart. In fact, all honey will crystallize over time, but with creamed honey, this process is managed in a way that results in fine, smooth crystals.

The process of making creamed honey involves adding a small amount of already crystallized honey to liquid honey. This "seed" honey acts as a guide, encouraging the liquid honey to form small, uniform crystals. The honey is then stored at a cool temperature, which aids in the controlled crystallization process. The result? A creamy, smooth, and deliciously spreadable honey. 

One of the most significant benefits of creamed honey is its texture. It's easy to spread, doesn't drip, and is less messy to handle than liquid honey. Plus, its creamy consistency opens up a whole new world of culinary possibilities. It's perfect for stirring into your morning oatmeal, spreading on warm toast, or even as a sweetener for your tea or coffee. And of course, it's a decadent treat straight off the spoon!

So, the next time you come across creamed honey in your local store or online at Appin Bees, why not give it a try? It's a unique and delectable way to enjoy the sweetness of honey, with an irresistibly creamy twist.


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